FUNCTION: Civilian
"Another rerun! What is wrong with the universe?"
Forerunner is not a terribly active being. Enjoys spending time to himself, often staying in his quarters watching the holovid for most of the day. While not watching the holovid, he enjoys a number of music types at a high volume setting. Is also an avid gamer, and Powerplay's best customer. Forerunner can spend hours at his computer terminal playing strategy games, but he also enjoys most of other forms of games as well, and will occasionally surf the hypernet. He loves the plaza, particularly Powerplay and Line-In's stores. Makes use of the theatre at least once a week, and the sims at least once a month. He isn't much of a bar hound, but will once in a while stop by for a drink. While not outgoing, he is generally friendly, and prefers the company of other civilian types. He gets along well with Download, with whom he often plays games against.
Forerunner transforms into a hover van, which can reach a maximum speed of 100 kph. In robot form, he is of a fairly average build and has no outstanding abilities or advantages. He is also unarmed, and has no interest in combat.
His maneuverability in van form is not too good. He can over turn if taking corner too fast.
STR 5.0
INT 7.0
SPD 4.0
END 4.0
CRG 4.0
FPR 0.0
SKL 5.0