Function: Advanced Medic "When one hurts, we all hurt." In need of medical expertise, and making use of their new disk technology, LONAC created Restore. Restore is a pleasent natured bot who devotes herself to helping others. Kind and gentle, yet she doesn't take slack from any of her patients. Stern and assertive when keeping her patients inline, sometimes to the point of pure agression depending on the level of defiance in the patient. Restore is more than just a doctor, she is also a capable councellor, and close friend. Perhaphs the cleanest of all onboard the LSS Freedom, Restore hates sloppiness in everything. When you're injured, you know you're in the finest care, for Restore won't release you from Medbay until your more than 100% functional. Restore has a dry humor and is partial to the odd playful sarcastic joke or insult.
INT 9.0 SPD 2.0 END 4.0 RNK 6.0 CRG 6.0 FPR 4.0 SKL 9.0 |