FUNCTION: Civilian
"When the going gets tough, I go to Mam."

Mystery was found by Shadowpaw, off-line and severely beaten. His memory logs were damaged beyond repair, and his brain left in child like state. Bringing him back online, Shadowpaw takes him back to the Freedom for repairs, however Mystery refuses to let the medical staff come near him. With the mentality of a 10-year-old Earth child, he is fun loving and curious. He is liked by most, though sometimes considered to be a nuisance. All he wants to do is have fun and play pranks on other LONAC members. However, when he gets himself into trouble, he takes the “I didn’t do it!” route. He has no memory of his life before Shadowpaw bringing him on-line, and considers her to be his ‘Mam’.
Mystery transforms into a owl, but just how fast he can travel in this form is unknown, as he is unable to control himself too well in flight. When in robot mode, his only defense against attack is a sheild. He asked for a energy weapon, but naturally Waitstate denied him of this. Mystery has average armor, and his strength is fairly standard for a bot his size. He is rather clumsy at times, despite appearing as if he could be rather agile and quick.
While appearing like another bot, his biggest set back is his mentality. It is unknown if the damage to his brain is repairable or not, as he refuses any kind of medical treatment, having a fear of medics. His curiosity and prankster ways more often than not get him into trouble. Being so inexperienced and child like, he simply doesn't know how to use any of the abilities he has at his disposal, and will seek safety with Shadowpaw when threatened.
STR 4.0
INT 3.0
SPD 4.0
END 4.0
CRG 3.0
FPR 0.0
SKL 3.0