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The small, faded sign outside read simply "Neutral Ground", but surprisingly, it was what drew most of it's clientele inside. This was surprising because the place simply didn't do any advertising, at least none beyond simple word of mouth. Neutral Ground was, of course, a bar. Located in a rather run-down (and, appropriately, neutral) part of Cybertron, it catered to most anyone. To enter, you had to put aside whatever factional disputes you might have had and just enjoy yourself. Almost like the Autobot/Decepticon conflict wasn't happening. Of course the autoguns behind the bar helped everyone to keep their cool. Neutral Ground's fare was as widely varied as its customers, ranging from simple energon (all varieties), to inorganic Cybertronian delicacies, and even to human-style organics (for which the proprietor acquired a taste for some years back). On this particular day, Neutral Ground was fairly empty. There were a few on the computer terminals and game machines in the back, as usual, but the main attraction, the bar, had only a single occupant. The bot behind the bar eyed his single customer. He was mostly blue and red, a modified Seeker-type perhaps. He'd been sitting there for nearly an hour, just sipping on a tankard of over-charged energon and staring at the television that had been graciously donated to the bar by an enthusiastic Junkion who liked to visit at times. Noticing the lack of visible insignia on his patron, he decided to try and make conversation. "That's your fifth one. Maybe you ought to slow down a bit," said the black and gray bartender. "Naa... 'Stuff barely effects me. I've got converters out the manifold." "Well, just remember, that isn't the cheap stuff... 'Name's Waitstate. I own this fine establishment," the bartender said with a smile (well, as much of one as you can have if you've got a mouth-plate.) "Eh, I've got the creds. I'm Stardrive," said the customer, reaching out to shake the bartender's hand. "Good to meet you," Waitstate said. "So what brings you to Neutral Ground?" "Hm?" Stardrive said distractedly, "Oh... the sign. It seemed sorta appropriate to my situation. SO, I came right in." "I see..." Waitstate paused a second. "You a former 'Con?" Stardrive sighed heavily. "Yeah, I suppose you could say that, though back when I was a 'Decepticon' it had a totally different meaning." "A different meaning?" asked Waitstate. "Well, I have no idea how long you've been around of course, I've been away for... a while, but I can remember a time when the Autobots and Decepticons were not at war. Period." Waitstate chuckled softly. "I'm just baby then, comparatively. I've only been around for a few hundred years. I remember lulls in battle, and the occasional truce, but not peace... not real peace anyway. Closest that I've seen is when one side or the other was driven off-planet. Stuff really calmed down when that happened. Never lasted though... For a good long time, it didn't bother me. I was offworld a lot... heh, I was rarely ON world. I told myself it wasn't my problem since I wasn't either of 'them'. But, on one of my visits here, I guess a wave of patriotism hit me, because I decided to stay. That's when I opened this bar." Stardrive stared down at his drink for a bit, then took a sip and looked back up. "That's an awfully creative way of dealing with it. I wish I'd had an option like that back in the early days of the war, but it just wasn't something that could be done. It was fight or leave, so I left. I hoped that, whoever won, I could come back when it was over and avoid the whole stupid mess. I never DREAMED it would last this long." "So how long have you been back? To Cybertron I mean." "Only a few months now," said Stardrive. "I've been looking for employment. I sold off some of my remaining personal items from before I left to an antiquities dealer, but that money is gonna run out eventually. I really don't want to re-enlist with the Decepticons. Or the Autobots for that matter." "Maybe I can help. I have some, shall we say, 'connections' to local commerce," Waitstate said with a 'grin'. "What are your skills?" "Well... I have a great interest in exploring. During my absence I was retrofitted with a warp drive system capable of going many times the speed of light. Also, I have quite superior comm skills and systems. When I took the skills test at the employment registration office I rated number 10 on all of Cybertron. Unfortunately, all the jobs they had available were Bot or Con postings..." While Stardrive was describing his skills, Waitstate connected to a datanet terminal and ran a personal background check on Stardrive. It took surprisingly long to pull up all the info, till he realized that some of the archive info dated from millions of years back. In the end, it confirmed everything that Stardrive had said so far. As Stardrive finished up, Waitstate disconnected and returned his full attention to his customer. Listening with split awareness was one thing. Talking with it was another. "I have just the job for you." "Oh?" said Stardrive, surprised. "Yes. There is a local vidcast station run by non-enlisted civilians. They don't do news, so they get left alone by both sides. They have a position open. I believe they specialize in Terran entertainment. Interested?" Stardrive was clearly interested. "It sounds like a great job. Terran television is one of my hobbies actually. The area I was at during my absence was just getting the broadcasts from 20th and 21st century Earth when I was there. In fact, that's what I honed my comm skills on. It seems that after the first couple lightyears, TV receptions gets LOUSY," joked Stardrive. "Great. Here is the address for the place," Waitstate handed Stardrive a card. "Go in, tell them I sent you, and you should get an interview. I'm certain you'll get the job." Waitstate, of course, had known that Stardrive would take the job. Based on his TV viewing habits (which Wait had obtained despite several layers of security), Stardrive was a MAJOR couch potato when it came to Terran TV. He had even stacked the vidcast station's resumes in his favor. Stardrive on the other hand, had no idea Waitstate had done this. He was just happy to have a good job seemingly ready for the taking. "Thanks! I REALLY appreciate this. You have no idea." "It's no problem, really" Waitstate said as Stardrive got up to leave. "Again, thanks." As he started to walk off Waitstate made a noise like clearing his throat. Stardrive turned around questioningly. "That'll be 13.50 for the drinks." "Oh! Right... Can't believe I forgot." Stardrive scrambled for his credits. "It's OK. Perfectly understandable," Wait said as he took the credits and put them in the register. "Good luck." "Thanks!" said Stardrive, as he walked out the door. Waitstate smiled (as best one can with a mouthplate). "Another satisfied customer." And he went back to polishing the bar. |