FUNCTION: Security
"Hide if you like, I'll still find you."

Constructed shortly after Waitstate, and also by the same design team, Hitchhike is
considered the younger sister to Waitstate. In her earlier days, she was rash and
unpredictable, continually getting herself into trouble. After becoming fed up with
the mistrust of her 'family', she left and joined the Autobots as a security
officer. A number of years later, she left the Autobots and sought out LONAC, where
she now resides also as a security officer. During her time with the Autobots, she
became much more responsible, and it could be said that she 'grew up'. Despite
this, she knows Waitstate does not fully believe it. She is open and friendly to
all, and will speak her mind whenever she feels so.
In robot form, Hitchhike carries a mass accelerator gun, rendering an enemies metal
super dense to slow them down. She can also fire stanard lasers from her
headlights. In car form, she can reach a top speed of 160 kph. Hitchhike is
reasonably capable at programming and hacking, most of which she learned from
Hitchhike is not terribly strong or agile, nor is she well armored. She can
sometimes place too much confidence in her abilities. At this point, she has only
ever been a low level security officer, and thus is far from the best in this field
of work, however she does the best she can.
STR 5.0
INT 7.0
SPD 6.0
END 5.0
RNK 3.0
CRG 7.0
FPR 5.0
SKL 6.0