Due to his size and the weight of all the flamethrower equipment, he is quite slow
moving in tank mode. On several occasions he has had the flametubes blocked, most
of the times causing him severe damage from the tanks exploding. His main weakness
however would be having the flame tanks on his back where they are most vulnerable
from enemy fire.
When not in battle or being repaired, Firestorm is quite skilled at vehicle repairs, making use of his flamers for a non destructive purpose. Firestorm is able to merge with the other Tactibots to form Hyperion. When merged, Firestorm forms Hyperion's left arm.
INT 5.0 SPD 3.0 END 6.0 RNK 2.0 CRG 6.0 FPR 8.0 SKL 7.0 |