FUNCTION: Pet/Recon/Assault

Scarab is a modified Spiderbot
created and owned by Diablo. The first pet aboard the Freedom, Scarab
has been known to leap at others and climb onto the shoulders of others,
and sometimes attack them if they are unfamiliar to him. Scarab rarely
ever attacks people he is familiar with, or others who are friendly towards
Diablo is protective of Scarab and will go after anyone who tries to damage
him...which is definitly much worse than the minor damage Scarab would
do to others unless he is provoked enough to self destruct on others.
Scarab communicates by a series of beeping noises that he makes.
is constructed of the same basic design as the Spiderbots, though is quite
different to them. When constructed by Diablo, Scarab recieved extra armoured
plating on the legs making them stronger against attack, greater intelligence
resulting in greater awareness of it's surroundings and quicker reflexes.
Like the Spiderbots,
Scarab's rear section contains explosives which can be detonated at anytime
and would require Scarab to be reconstructed.
STR 2.0
INT 2.0
SPD 2.5
END 5.0
CRG 5.0
FPR 5.0
SKL 6.0