FUNCTION: Communications Surveillance
"What!? They nerfed the %$#^#*@ mages AGAIN!!!!"

Originally an Autobot, Powerplay was built shortly after the two other
Autobot cassettes Rewind and Eject. Like Rewind and Eject, Powerplay also
has an animal partner named Trihorn, though the whereabouts of Trihorn are
unknown. He was the only survivor in a Decepticon attack. Ripped into
several pieces by the Decepticons he was found by Chameleon while he was
searching for Diablo. A while after they reached the Freedom Powerplay was
rebuilt. Since then he has stayed with LONAC.

A serious gamer, Powerplay is always willing to accept challenges in many
different games. He is known for speaking in gaming terms from time to time,
causing others to become confused about what he is talking about. Like the
other Autobot cassettes, Powerplay has an internal-light matrix data store
system which has a nearly infinite data storage capacity. A lot of the data
he has stored is knowlegde about the thousands of games he has played over
his lifetime.

In robot mode, Powerplay is armed with 2 ionic disruptors, which can
temporarily disable systems in the targets body. One of the disruptors has
been modified into a railgun. The railgun modification is not very reliable
and is prone to breaking down at any moment.
STR 5.0
INT 6.0
SPD 2.0
END 6.0
CRG 7.0
FPR 5.0
SKL 9.0