Opal In:

Get With The Tunes


I can't believe I never thought of it before. Crystalline is good with with these types of things. Never occurred to me to ask Waitstate to convert one of the spare quarters into a recording studio specifically with music in mind. I wonder if-- oops! Exiting a lift can be hazardous if you're not paying attention,

"Hiya, Sunspot! Where're you headed this late?" Mind you, it could be perfectly normal for you to be in this area at this time everyday, I don't actually know.

"Medbay." Ouch, nasty looking burn, "Though maybe after that I'll head down to the bar for a bit. Tormenting Splitwit when he's good an' drunk is a lot of fun." I'll say! Heh, feel sorry for Download too often,

"I can agree with that! I'll let you go on to medbay, get that hand taken care of. See ya!" Ah yes, good to laugh at if nothing else, isn't he? Well, theres the bridge, so here it goes... I hope Waitstate is still awake in there. Those bridge staff have a tendancy to ignore, intentionally or not, the door buzzer for this particular room.

*Bzzt* Boring button chime. Should offer to make something that doesn't like a cyber-fly buzzing about in it's death throws.

"You ever thought those buttons sound like a dying bug or something?" Crystalline suddenly calls to me, as she shifts from engine form to humanoid and climbs up to sit on my shoulder. I love how we always have the same way of thinking.

"Heh, now and then." Crystalline can always make me smile. Wonder how the pit she does that? Nebulons, go figure. Finally, someone is awake in here after all! Must be selective ignorance, everyone I've heard complain about delays seems to have also been in the brig at one time or another. Good thing I'm such a nice girl.

"Opal, Crystal! Good to see you both, what's on your mind? Or minds?" You've got the mind most of us femmes tend to like, Waitstate. Still think you should let me jazz up your paint job though. Black and grey? Yuk.

"Hi Wait! Listen, we've been working on some new material of late, and were wondering if perhaps at some point we could get a facility build in to help record and edit it? One of the unused quarters maybe?" Please say yes?

"Can't see any reason why we couldn't, though isn't what is already available to you sufficient enough?"  Uhh...

"It does the job, but not as near as good as specialised equipment could." I haven't got a clue how good the Freedom's technology could be in this area. My own fault for getting lazy since I signed on. Heck, I've only writing a handfull of songs in the few years I've been here. I should really get to work on that,

"Well, why don't you and the engineering crew see what you can draw up, and show me that. And find out how much this is gonna cost, and I'll give you a final decision then." Not a yes, definatly not a no. Works for me!

"No problem! Thanks Waitstate, cya!" Well that wasn't too bad. I might turn in for the night, that latest piece I'm writing can wait a bit longer. Oops, probably doesn't look to good standing on the bridge just thinking when I've said goodbye already... No wonder Waitstate is looking at me funny, and only now I notice Crystalline tapping at me. Just smile and leave... there we go, good girl.

"So elegant of you, Opal, heh! I'm gonna go wander around for awhile before turning in. Cya!"

"Night, Crystal!" Pft, Nebulons. Dunno what I'd do without that one, though. My best friend, Crystal. Slag I was scared that time on Nelvada, good thing this lot was around at the time. I rather like the new layout of the ship, everywhere I usually like to go was already pretty close to my quarters, but now with a few of the other places closer, I can flirt with more of the boys, heh. A fun lot these guys, most of them anyway. I suppose I should actually head back to my quarters rather than stay here and ponder things in the hall. And off to the lift I go,

*Bzzt* Irritating noise. Hm, 'You sit and smile, content with your state, unaware that the irritating noise is just your sins returning to seal your fate.' Heh of all the things that could finish a line of lyrics for me... Crystal will be happy at least. I think if she keeps pestering me to finish this song for too much longer I'll throttle her.

*Ding!* That has a more pleasant tone to it. I wonder how Quartz Lock and the others are going? It's been too long since he's emailed, I hope they're ok. Whoa... This guy creeps me out, glad it isn't often the lift doors open to reveal him...

"Hi, Dark Star, uh, how you been?" I usually don't mind the lift rides, but I hope it goes quick this time round..

"When it is your business I shall inform you." Well, at least if the lift breaks down, I won't have to worry about being stuck in here with him. He'll probably tear his way out...

"Uh, right." No more midnight walks, Opal. You need your rest.