Function: Administrative Assistant
"There is no better joy than a job well done."
Once the LONAC's status as an independent faction was fully implemented and actual governing became a real issue,
Waitstate found himself somewhat overwhelmed by all the various things he had to regularly attend
to on a daily basis. So, with the help of the LSS Freedom medical and engineering staff, he built
Overwrite to assist him in his tasks.
Overwrite is quiet and efficient, fully able to do any and all of Waitstate's administrative
drudgery. He has a very analytical mind and is said to be a rather boring person. Is very good
with math. Enjoys filing, alphabetizing, and general organization. Also has an eidetic memory,
which is good seeing as Waitstate would never be able to find anything otherwise once Overwrite
was done reorganizing due to Waitstate's "unique" ideas about organization. On a similar note,
Overwrite never attempts to organize Waitstate's quarters because they, in his words "defy logic".
In robot mode, Overwrite carries an electrical disruption cannon which causes a temporary
suspension of electrical activity in its target. This causes a "stun" effect in living beings
such as humans and Cybertronians.
In disk mode, Overwrite has the same near-infinite memory capacity as the other LONAC disks due
to his advanced holographic light-matrix encoding scheme.
STR 3.0
INT 8.0
SPD 6.0
END 3.0
RNK 8.0
CRG 5.5
FPR 4.0
SKL 9.0