FUNCTION: Covert Operations, Saboteur
"I'm everywhere when I need to be, and nowhere when you look for me."
Seeking intelligence beyond that of Phoenyx and Crevas, Format began working on a new comrade based on his own design. The end result, was Network. Network's personality was created by Format, and many consider them to be rather identical in respect to this. However, Network is by far more cunning, stealthy, and social than Format could ever hope to be. While Network enjoys his role as a saboteur, his rather social nature has him disliking being away from comrades on board the Freedom while on a mission. Network is the type whom some like, while others hate.
Much like Format, Network can 'stick' and 'slide' on almost substance. He has diamond tipped fangs like Format, that can penetrate numerous substances. Network's main weapon however, are eyebeams. They may have a relativly mediocre range, however they are surprisingly powerful for a bot of Network's size. He is rarly in disk mode, primarily using this form while on a mission. Can hold a near infinite amount of data like his disk counterparts. While not the greatest of hackers, he is good enough to eventually crack most codes known.
Network is a easy target in both modes, and often finds that when low on power, his ability to stick to anything fades. His major fault would be that he can sometimes take too long to break a code, which will endanger himself and his mission.
STR 3.0
INT 8.0
SPD 5.0
END 3.0
RNK .0
CRG 7.0
FPR 6.0
SKL 8.0