Function: Civilian
"Too many things are left too late."
Goannis is a quiet robot, who has little interaction with others. This is due to her many years as a slave on a distant Decepticon world. She is curious about many things, and has a happy outlook on life and her new found freedom. Reluctant to start a conversation, but it takes little time for her to settle into one. Goannis spents much of her time in the sims and observation lounges on board the Freedom. Until her freedom, she had known nothing other than a slave's life.
After escaping the slave world, Restore rebuilt her from a generic robot to a goanna lizard transformer, from which she derived her name. Goannis chose this form at random, and for no specific reason other than it would be an alternate form. Neither her robot or goanna modes have any special abilities or armourment. Carries a low powered, tri barrelled laser gun for self defense purposes only.
Goannis is plagued with nightmares of her former life, and is wary of all ex Decepticons within LONAC. She is neither strong, enduring or fast.
Finding irony in the fact that her saviours were from a craft named Freedom, she decided to return their with Admiral and other formerly thought missing LONAC crew.
STR 2.0
INT 5.0
SPD 7.0
END 3.0
CRG 4.0
FPR 1.0
SKL 7.0