"No battle too fierce could sway my aching triggerfinger."
Born of the same technology as the other LONAC disks, Fragment is a valiant warrior with a more than willing triggerhappy attitude. A slight smart mouth, and casual regard to following orders, Fragment is also a quick witted bot who usually leaps before he looks. Generally easy to get along with, and posessing a friendly nature, Fragment is befriended by many. Excluding his colour and obvious but slight design differences, he is the twin to Overwrite. Fragment isn't much like his older 'brother' in any form but appearance.
After being thought destroyed, LONAC discovered that his spark, along with those of Format and Phoenyx, were actually stolen by Decepticons from a crash site just prior to assaulting the LSS Freedom. LONAC recovered the sparks on Cybertron and returned them to the Freedom where they were returned to their rightful owners.
In robot mode Fragment has a shoulder mounted plasma bolt cannon with a range of 1000m. In disk mode, Fragment can hold what seems like an infinite amount of information, much like his other disk compatriots. Can often be found around Overwrite, being a general pain in the diode without realising it. He enjoys Overwrite's company even though he can't stand the boring tasks that Overwrite loves.
Fragment's immense storage capacity often leads him to getting stuck when searching for files. He has often been known to sit for days at a time looking for a file. He is not very strong, big or fast, and makes a good target in battle.
STR 4.0
INT 7.0
SPD 4.0
END 6.0
RNK 2.0
CRG 9.0
FPR 5.0
SKL 7.0