"Relax, still plenty of time left to do what needs to be done."

Direclaw is the animal partner for Line-In and transforms from cassette to wolf, although he spends most of his time in wolf mode. Just as Line-In was created when Powerplay was, Direclaw was created when Trihorn was. At times he and Trihorn get along well, although they have times when things get nasty too. Direclaw is know to leap at people sitting down without any warning at all from time to time. He has speed which no other land based cassette can match and can easily sneak around without being noticed due to his size. Direclaw tends to be as easy going about things as Line-In is and doesn't let things bother him. Prefers to not be around large crowds as he thinks he's likely to get stepped on by those larger than him.
Like other cassettes, Direclaw has an internal-light matrix data store system which allows him to store a near infinite amount of data.
In wolf mode Direclaw is armed with two negative charge disruptors. Their short range means that he has to get up close to the enemy but he doesn't mind this as it gives him the chance to attack with his claws.
STR 3.0
INT 3.0
SPD 6.0
END 5.0
CRG 5.0
FPR 4.0
SKL 6.0