FUNCTION: Diversionary Tactician
SUBGROUP: Pretenders
"I'm twice as good as I look."
As far as tall, dark and handsome goes, Battalion is the hands down winner in his mind.
His ego is only outmatched by his obsession with being the center of attention.
Perfectly designed to distract an enemy while his team sets an ambush.
Besides being a bit cocky, he has a serious side too.
Known to go into brooding moments, many of his friends used to tease him, telling him his alt mode was slowly taking over.
The first into battle, and often the last out, he rushes in before thinking it through and is often put in the position to be rescued.
Behind the shield of his ego hides a brilliant mind.
When he is alone, he usually comes up with odd theories and concepts.
Designing weapons, ships, and defense systems is a favorite hobby of his.
It gives him something to show off.
Long time friend of Overdose, he was recruited from the Decepticons into the ranks of the Savages once they became established.
He currently joins Overdose in the search for his lost friends.
Rarely uses his shell due to it hiding his natural beauty.
Incredibly fast in bat mode, able to fly in any direction.
Flapping his wings can cause strong gusts, kicking up dirt into the faces of his foes.
When he closes his wings, they form a tough shield, protecting him, or others behind him.
Surprisingly capable of underwater flight, making him an all around versatile fighter.
The lower section of his body contains cluster bombs, which scatter the enemies below.
In robot mode, Battalion carries a pulse rifle. Can fly in both modes.
STR 6.0
INT 7.0
SPD 8.0
END 5.0
RNK 3.0
CRG 9.0
FPR 7.0
SKL 6.0