Function: Tracker
"You set em’ up, and I’ll knock em’ down!"
Once stationed on the Autobot ship Breakaway, Backtrack was sent to hunt down
Deadlift, a former Decepticon who they had captured and rigged with a tracking device
meant to lead them to a hidden Decepticon base. However, his prey did return to the
Decepticons. Instead, Deadlift sought out neutral space, and eventually joined LONAC.
Backtrack located him again on board the LSS Freedom and trailed the ship for several
days before deciding to investigate further. Though initially suspicious of a Decepticon
trick, he soon realized that LONAC was what it claimed to be, and that Deadlift had
reformed. After seeing how peaceful the LONAC group was in comparison to the war back
home, he contacted his superiors and resigned from the Autobots. He joined LONAC the
hope of finding some peace in his life.
Backtrack is a very quick-witted individual. He will often go over his work three or
four times to ensure it's accuracy. Even though he is no longer with the Autobots, he
has the tendency to do things as they would. He sees war as a science. Despite his great
size and power, he would rather be involved in the strategy than the actual fighting.
Gets along well with almost everyone, but tends to take offense if anything he says is
In tank mode, Backtrack is armed with dual Omega cannons, which fire powerful ionic
bursts. The radar systems mounted above his turret are specially designed to track down
even the smallest target. In robot mode, his cannons are arm-mounted, providing
firepower for both arms.
STR 6.0
INT 8.0
SPD 3.0
END 7.0
RNK 4.0
CRG 5.0
FPR 6.0
SKL 9.0