Types: Resculpt, Repaint
Original Toy: Beast Wars Transmetal Rhinox (Fox Kids redeco)
Affiliation: LONAC
Based On: Recoil, a G1-type Cybertronian with a tank alt mode. One of my LONAC characters.
Additional Parts: A gun that came with a knockoff TF.
Related Links
Recoil's Techspec on LONAC-Web
Greg Gaub's Transmetal Rhinox Page
Land Military Minicon Team Bio
Notes: Though this version of Rhinox didn't have any Powerlinx pegs, I thought the Minicon Wreckage really went well with Recoil. It's sort of like the Action Master partners, in that he TFs into a form resembling Recoil's original mode, and he adds on extra functionality. In this case, he gives Recoil back his missile launchers. Once I figure out a good way to make Powerlinx pegs for my kitbashes, I'll probably add one onto Recoil so that Wreckage can actually attach, rather than just balance on top of him.
Update: 3/20/04
Recoil now has a passable PL hardpoint, and Wreckage is happily pegged into place. The visual difference is negligable though, so no new pics.